Monday, August 28, 2006

Energizer Bunny-Boy

Jack needs his naps during the day. It does not matter how many he takes, as long as one of them is a nice long two to three hour snooze. If he does not nap well, he is a holy terror in the evening. He usually wakes up between 5 and 5:30 in the morning, and falls back to sleep for his morning nap by seven or so. I thought that he would take a nice, long nap this morning, because he did not sleep well yesterday evening, and he woke up at midnight with his leg stuck in the slats of his crib--a topic for a later post--and decided that while he was up he might as well eat. This morning he woke up at 4:30 and only dozed until he was fully awake at 5:30. We did our usual morning playing and eating, and I waited for him to get sleepy. And waited. Luckily, he did not get grumpy, as long as I played with him. I had to go drop Kate's car off at the body shop by nine to get repairs for the accident she had last year, so I figured the car ride would put him to sleep. It did--for ten minutes. He woke up as soon as we got to the dealer, and stayed awake while we were waiting to get the rental car, on the drive to the library, through the library, on the way home, and on. Finally, at 11:30 he fell asleep. Of course, it was time for him to eat so he only slept for thirty minutes. Kate's mom arrived about one, and she tried to get him to go to sleep. After two hours, she succeeded. At three in the afternoon, after maybe a full hour of sleep since 4:30 a.m., he passed out on his NeNe.

I really don't have a point with this story. I was just amazed at the little boy's sudden stamina.

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