Saturday, September 23, 2006

Random Bits

Big Boy

My friend HR used to joke that if Kate and I were to have kids they would probably grow up to be football players with perfect eyesight. (Kate and I have bad eyes and are rather un-athletic.) He may be right about the football player part with Jack. At Jack's visit last week, he weighed in at 15 lbs. 9 oz. He is in the 75th percentile for both his height and weight. Considering that both Kate and I are rather small people, this is quite an accomplishment.
Freudian Moments

On weekend nights, Kate takes over getting up in the middle of the night with Jack so I can get a couple solid nights of sleep. The trade-off is that she gets to sleep in, some mornings until nine. On one such night she heard Jack start rustling around and making noise. While she was laying there waiting to see if he would put himself back to sleep, she heard a strange thumping noise that she could not identify. She sleepily racked her brain for what could be the possible source of the rhythmic disturbance. Puzzled, she looked around the gloomy room and her eyes landed upon me. There I lay, sound asleep, hugging my pillow to my shoulder and trying my hardest to get a burp out of it. She says that she reached over and gently held on to my burping arm until I stopped and rolled over, completely unaware of my nocturnal parental instincts.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Correction, I should have said "Pavlovian" moment. That would probably be a little more accurate than "Freudian."