Monday, September 24, 2007

We...Are the Babies....Who Say...Nee!

Is it bad that I am already teaching Jack to quote Monty Python and the Holy Grail?


Katrina said...

Monty Python ROCKS! Way to go! That's an awesome party trick to teach your kid! :)

Unknown said...

Yeah...I guess the next logical step would be to teach him to say "icky-icky wup-tang!" or whatever it is the knights that no longer say "Nee!" say.

Anonymous said...

Christopher has made watch this video snippet like 10 times and he hasn't ever seen the movie! You and Jack have taught him Nee, but mostly he'll just sit with his hand in his mouth smiling. -Cathy

Unknown said...

Well, when they get together next (if we can ever get away and get down there) they can terrorize errant knights together by "Nee-ing."