Sunday, January 06, 2008

What's in a Name?

CNN recently ran a story about parents that regret they did not pick a good name for their child and decide to have it changed. This seems like it would be confusing for the child. If the initial name was something strange, like Herman let's say, then I could see the point. But most of the names of the original names stated in the article were normal, like Emma, which is why some of the parents opted for a change.

Like some of the parents interviewed in the article, I too feel that I made a hasty naming decision that I would like to rectify. No, I am fine with the names Homer and Clara. (Kate's dad chose Frankie's name.) And I still find the names Jorge, Dwight, Dwight, and Dwight to be appropriate names for our four fish. I speak of Life Begins at 30. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but now I find it annoying. No, it's just plain dumb, especially since I am not thirty anymore.

It's time for a change.

In the spirit of the primary/caucus season, I will allow my readers to choose the name. That and Kate already vetoed Librarian Dad. (The exact reaction was a wrinkled nose and a terse"Well, that's stupid.") Please nominate/post your idea(s) for a new blog name in the comments below. After a week or whenever I get around to it, I will set up a poll for people to vote--for all five of my loyal readers out there.


amy7252 said...

OK, I've been thinking about this off and on since I read your post. Man, it's hard to come up with a good name, isn't it? Well, here are my contributions thus far:

* World Wide Webers
* Jack in the Blog

Have you come up with any ideas yet?

Colin Roust said...

Mine aren't really any better than Amy's, but here goes

*On the Web' Again
*A Cup of Joe
*We're Goin' to Jackson ('Cuz He's Running Around the House Again)
*Jack 'n' Joe, and Kate, Too

Unknown said...

Thanks for the suggestions! I honestly have thought about it lately. Things have been so crazy lately. I am going to mention it again later this week to see if I can get more participation. If not, then we vote!