Friday, April 23, 2010

In Case You Were Curious...

I still haven't figured out the hair.

Kate tried to explain to me what I do wrong when I put her hair in pigtails but all I got out of it was "Blah blah blah. Look here baldy I know you are trying, but seriously."


SlyGly said...

WOW. Amazing feat. I kind of like the style.

amy7252 said...

Colin refuses to try anymore because he gets so easily embarrassed by his attempts. You'd think he would have some natural talent from his days with long hair, but no. In all fairness, though, it is very hard to create good ponytails on a moving target!

Alicia said...

I don't get it either. I'm thinking of giving Parker a crew cut. I think she could really pull off the mid-90's Sinead O'Connor look.