Sunday, August 08, 2010

North Vernon Train Days

But not really Train Days because there was a Beer Garden so most of the town boycotted the festival and made them change the name to "Summer Festival." Or something like that. All that mattered was we all got to take a 40 minute train ride with my Mom on a "real train" with virtually no crowd. It was mostly just us and other little boys Jack's age who were grinning ear to ear.

I tried to get a good picture before the ride, but the train was just too neat to not stare.
A happy Jack with his Granny.

Me: Jack, turn around so I can get a picture of you with the train.
Jack: *Grunt*
Me: Please turn around?
Jack: *Grunt* Train.
Me: Turn around Jack! There is a...jet driving down the middle of the street followed by construction equipment!
Jack: *Grunt*

Okay, he eventually stopped being quite so awestruck.

Until we boarded and the train started rolling.

Amelie enjoyed it almost as much as him.

Jack was flat-out enthralled.

This picture, with its soft glow on their faces and the reflection in the mirror, amuses me.

It seems like I take this picture once a week. Lily Belle looks so much like her Mommy.

There were model trains set up at the Train Depot, which fascinated Jack almost as much as the real thing.

All he has wanted to do since we came home last night is play with his trains.
Go figure.

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