Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Wild Kingdom 2

I have discovered that good baby pictures are really hard to take. Even harder are pictures of babies with pets, I think. Neither really want to hold still, pose, or look at the camera. That being said, Kate and I were able to get a couple of decent ones this weekend. Frankie decided she wanted to "play" with Jack the other night. Well, actually, I was playing with Jack on the floor and she decided to snuggle with me. (And yes, Jack is wearing only one sock.) And here are Homer, Clara, and Jack. Okay, so Clara just happens to be in the background and is not really playing with the others.

1 comment:

Katrina said...

Cute, CUTE photos! It's funny how babies and dogs can bond sometimes! DOG was one of the first words our Asher has learned to say recently!