Friday, December 29, 2006

Jack's First Christmas

I figure I should post some pictures of Jack's first Christmas. He is still too little to appreciate the pomp and craziness or understand what is going on. It was fun for the adults, though, to watch him try to figure out the wrapping paper. He did seem mildly excited that he has new toys to play with. But, like most babies, his favorite toy was a box that some clothes had come in. Actually, it was not even his present that came in the box. Here he is surrounded by his new toys. There seems to be a theme of him looking down and being engrossed in what he is doing in these pictures.
Kate and I are still trying to get a decent picture of the three of us.


amy7252 said...

That's a good picture of the three of you, except that you're back-lit, so it's a little dark. I really will take pictures for you, if you want.... can't promise professional quality, but we could probably come up with something presentable!

morskyjezek said...

Is that a big M? Looks like you're starting him on the college application process early, eh?

(Oh, my yooper skills are coming back splendidly don't you think, eh?)