Saturday, December 13, 2008

Too Clever for Mommy and Daddy

One of our, uh, guilt-inducing tactics with Jack when he is misbehaving is to tell him that his actions make us sad. For awhile, this was fairly effective as Jack understands sad. But the two-year old has outwitted us.
A while back, Kate was in a bad mood and she snapped at Jack. She apologized to Jack and said that she should not be grumpy--she should be happy because she was with her Jack.

On the way home from daycare the other day he was doing something in the car he shouldn't have. Kate glanced back and told him to stop. He didn't, so she told him that he was making her sad. Jack's reply? "You no sad, Mommy. You happy you with your Jack!" This has since become his standard response, and he uses it on me too.

Well, he doesn't say this everytime...
Kate: Jack, don't do that. Mommy is sad.
Jack: You not sad--You Kate!


Emily said...

Tell Jack that I'm sad he's wearing an IU hoodie!

hoosiergirl said...

is that the hoodie i got for him ??

Unknown said...

Tina-Yes it is.
Emily--Hmm, I guess he needs a Butler one then, doesn't he? Oh, you were probably thinking Purdue... =)

hoosiergirl said...

Purdue!! NO! lol

amypfan said...

I think your son may have a future career as a tricky lawyer...