Monday, June 07, 2010

Amelie's First Haircut

Kate had been rather reticent about taking Amelie to get her first haircut. She was not ready to give up the un-shorn baby look.
But I finally convinced her that it needed to be done, as you can see from these pictures I took the day before...

Pigtails were about the best way to contain it, but even then it was a bit out of control. (By the way, I was reprimanded by Kate for not assembling this outfit correctly. I thought it was a sun dress, but apparently it is a jumper. I said she's lucky the girl gets dressed at all.)

Post-pigtail really brought out the craziness. In the hair, that is.

Well, maybe in the toddler, too.

I don't like this picture, because it makes her look much older.

Anyway, we headed to Cookie Cutters on Saturday to get her trimmed.

While we were waiting our turn, she was very curious about what was going on.

Then she found out and was not pleased. She is getting her "tail" cut in this picture. Most of her hair in the back ended at her shoulders, except for one lock which went halfway down her back. We were a little sad to see it gone.

True to Amelie's nature, she adapted quickly and chilled once she realized it didn't hurt.

Okay, here is where I am supposed to have the pretty "after" picture. Umm, I have yet to get her to hold still for a good shot. Of all the pictures I have taken, these were the best two.

(Yes, that's chocolate she is trying to pry open.)

Trust me when I say it looks much better.

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