Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Si-wee Girl

A couple weeks ago, Amelie started saying "Dat si-wee" (that's silly.) when something amused her. Now, it seems that every thing is "si-wee."

"You si-wee" is common, but I hear her say "Dack-Dack si-wee" the most often. (I have to agree, her brother is indeed silly.) She's expanded it to "Dack-Dack siwee. What he doin?" The last part said in very much "I don't claim this weird kid as my brother" sort of voice.

But my favorite is when she makes herself laugh. She will be playing by herself and suddenly break out in a big belly laugh, followed by, "I sooo si-wee!"


I am constantly trying to get Amelie to dance and talk for the camera, neither of which she will do. Kate did get her being kind of goofy for the camera on Sunday, though.

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