Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Fashion Files -- Amelie

Amelie is continually becoming pickier about what she wears and has been know to throw some vicious temper tantrums if she is not properly attired. She is always a bit disappointed in the morning if her clothes do not have "mee-ows, pitty f'owers, or butterf'ies" on them.

She is a bit of princess about it all...

She got her first pair of snow boots last week. She refused to take them off for her bath (much screaming ensued) and the first thing she did in the morning was ask for her "new pitty f'ower shoes."

They look great with pajamas.

And then there are the accessories. This girl loves to accessorize. There is the tiara, of course. And she has to pick her barrettes every morning. (Well, at least when Kate does her hair. I'm a bit afraid of them.) The more the better seems to be her philosophy as she will want up to six of them.

And then there are the "b'acets" Oh, the bracelets.  She actually has a couple of actual bracelets she wears, including one with little peace signs that my grandma gave her. But mostly she piles on the links that were for attaching her baby toys to things. Nothing like finding additional uses for something! As soon as I change her diaper in the morning, she starts putting them on. The picture below is rather conservative as she is wearing only two. Usually she will have six on one arm and one or two on the other.

Cold-weather girl

I have no clue

Snuggly morning girl, complete with Do'ah s'ippers, binket, Mommy pants (what she calls yoga pants) and But-wer (yes, it's an IU one, but she calls it a Butler one.) s'eater in reserve.

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