Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Come On. If You Put the Word "Angus" on a Sign on the Ground...

File this under "Someone was not thinking" with a cross-reference to "I wish I had my camera."
Apparently, Burger King's new marketing push is for their Black Angus burger with mushrooms and swiss. So they have been putting something about this burger on their signs. Most stores do not have to worry about someone messing with the lettering, since the signs are high off the ground. But the Burger King at Belleville Road and Michigan should have seriously considered the consequences of having a sign that sits on the ground at a very busy intersection with a slogan begging an adolescent-minded individual to tamper with it.

Driving to pick up Homer from the kennel I read "Try our Anus 'Shroom & Swiss!" (There was not even a space for the G. How thorough!)

Sorry, but I have not interest in trying someone's cheesy butt-fungus.

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