Saturday, October 28, 2006


People have been really aggravating in the last twenty-four hours.

Last night we ordered carry out from China City in Belleville. I called and they said it would be ready for pickup in ten minutes. I showed up exactly ten minutes later and was told it would be five minutes longer. Thirty-five minutes later I complained and was informed that they had yet to start making our food. Finally, an hour after I called in the order, I received our meal. But what was the most aggravating part? It would have to be that at least three other people walked in after I was there, placed their orders for carry out, and received their food before they started cooking mine. Grrrr.

This morning Kate, Jack, and I ventured to the Canton Library. The weather was cold and it was sprinkling slightly. By the time we left the library, it was raining, snowing, and ice pellets were coming down. (I believe the TV weather personality term would be "wintry mix.") Being the nice husband, I went to get the car so Kate and Jack could stay dry under the awning. As I pulled up to the roundabout, A middle-aged lady who had been waiting there a while, suddenly pulled up ten feet right in front of Kate and Jack. Apparently, she was so concerned about walking an extra ten feet in the rain that she didn't notice a mother with a small baby standing there. Her rudeness meant that I had to park far enough away that Kate and Jack had to run through the icy crap that was falling from the sky. (This one does not translate well into print. I think you needed to be there to see what this lady did to grasp the full selfishness of it.) Grrrr.

At least I get to come home to this:

And no, Frankie is not sniffing his butt. It just looks that way.


Doing the laundry. (Excuss the blurriness)

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