Thursday, September 01, 2011

Big Girl Bed

I think the transition from a crib to a "real" bed is one of those areas that non-parents see us parents blathering about and just shake their heads and roll their eyes at our excitement/trepidation.

But it is a pretty big deal. Along with diapers, it is kind of the last visible sign that your child is still a baby. More than anything, I think the crib is the most obvious representation of babyhood. And though we want to see our children grow and evolve into little people, it is hard to let go of the fact that they are no longer babies. 
Of course, the other downside of not having a crib is that they are now free to roam around and a handy "jail" is no longer there to contain them. Let's be honest.

We've put off transitioning Amelie to a bed quite a bit longer than we did Jack. Our excuse list for not doing so was long (a new house will be enough change, etc.) but mostly we just did not want to. But, alas, she was very ready and very excited.

Perhaps the smile on her face for her first nap in the Big Girl Bed shows just how excited she was...

So far, she has adjusted very well with no issues. That is, she has slept well and not fell out, despite having no bed rail. And, just like Jack did, she will not get out of bed until we come in and "let" her out of it. Also, she has been very insistent that we not lay her in it. She has to climb in herself.

After all, she is a Big Girl.

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